Huwebes, Hunyo 6, 2013

Just A Bad Day, Not A Bad Life.

Think life is BAD? … Think again.

Before anything else, I’d like to share a bit of what inspired me to post this “subject of matter”. I was really blessed by last night’s bible and life sharing led by Brother Jerry of CCF-Manila. To be honest, I’m a sucker at organizing thoughts most especially when I think I have so much to say (it obviously gets harder when I don’t have much to say lol). But the good news is, there were a lot of not only good points but also “food for the soul” and life-changing revelations as I spent my time talking with Bro. Jerry. But due to my overly overwhelmed (yes, I had to emphasize the over and notice the redundancy. lol) and ...“hyperness”  (there is no such word but...yeah I like to use the word) feeling after the sharing last night, I couldn’t accumulate every detail that was on the powerpoint (still asking for the ppt copy and will soon share it with you, countrymen). So, I’m sharing some of the things that I’ve learned from last night’s sharing and those things I’ve already heard from the past but still struck me and continue to challenge the way I live. Pardon me, guise (for unorganized thoughts and grammatical errors). Really not a pro.

Back to the title, THINK LIFE IS BAD? …. Think again (That was not the title from last night’s sharing but I’m doing some revisions to state things in a much simpler way). BTW, title last night was about being PROACTIVE in Life.

To start off, Have you even encountered or have heard of the 90-10 Principle by Stephen Covey?

“10% of life is made up of what happens to you...
90% of life is decided by how you react.”


We really have NO control over the 10% of what happens to us.
The 90% is different.
YOU determine the 90%


Situational Examples: 


-Given that you are a father is 10%, the 90% is HOW you father your children.

-Fact is, I am  student (10%) but the 90% is HOW I am as a student.

-I am a Christian (10%), but HOW I live as a Christian is 90%.

(See for complete details and for more specific examples.)

Discouraged? Burden too heavy? Can’t get up? Stuck where you are?

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you guys to spare a tiny bit of your time and watch these encouraging videos. 

Now, BRACE YOURSELVES for this guy right here who can 101% inspire you to get back up wherever you are in life right now.

Wait… It does not end there. There is this saying...

"Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny."   ---Emerson, Ralph Waldo


Let me give you a concrete example of someone very influential to the world.

Know this guy?

Who is He? 

Abraham Lincoln. 

He was  considered to be one of the 7 Most Bizarrely Unlucky People Who Ever Lived. To give you a glimpse of his story, he was the 16th President of the United States. But he didn't have the much in the way of success; he lost the re-nomination within two years, failed to be appointed Land Officer, was defeated in an election to the Senate and in 1858 was defeated in efforts to be nominated as Vice-President of the US.

Was his home life any better?
Tragedy stalked the family, with three of their four children died young. Second son Eddie died at the age of three, third son Willie at the age of 11 (during his father's Presidency) and youngest boy Tad died at 18. This was after his father's death, and not long before Robert, the first and surviving son, was forced to have his mother declared insane and committed to a sanatorium. Only Robert prospered, finally dying in 1926 after a successful life in business and government.

You'd think he would have given up?
By God’s grace, he didn't. In 1859, he was elected 16th President of the United Sates of America. ((Did some research for the dates roight there.=))

(More of his UNLUCKY STORY on


Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which began the process of FREEDOM FOR AMERICA’S SLAVES. (Short background: Battle between the black and white. The white were the superiors while the black were slaves). Additionally, the Proclamation provided the legal framework for the emancipation of nearly all four million slaves as the Union armies advanced, and committed the Union to ending slavery, which was a controversial decision even in the North. Hearing of the Proclamation, more slaves quickly escaped to Union lines as the Army units moved South. 

As the Union armies advanced through the Confederacy, thousands of slaves were freed each day until nearly all (approximately 4 million, according to the 1860 Census)were freed. 
Abraham Lincoln was a strong supporter of the Thirteenth Amendment that formally ended slavery in the United States.

BOOM!! That’s what you call, GOD’S WILL. But we also have to always remember that God’s Ways are Not Our Ways.

As it may relate to us; there are going to be times when God does something in our lives and we question His motives.  There will be times when we make plans to do something and God instructs us to leave our plans and follow Him.
There are times when we don’t understand why God is allowing certain things to happen. I want to encourage you to trust and be obedient to the Lord because the ways of God are not our ways.

Don’t stress yourself out on trying to understand the ways of God because His ways are past finding out; for the scripture declares it is impossible for us to understand His decisions and His ways! (Romans 11:33).

Although doing things God’s way is hard at times, rest knowing when God ordains something to be so in your life, God will equip you with the tools and resources needed to do and He provides the strength and provisions needed to guide you through.


Regardless of what happens as a result of your obedience, know that God’s way is still the best way and living God’s way is much more rewarding than living life the way we want or believe is right.
Remember, you serve a God who’s all knowing, who knows the beginning and the end.  With that in mind, why would God, being so loving and all knowing, steer you the wrong way?
Be encouraged to start living according to God’s purpose for your life.  His ways are not our ways and His way is the best way for our lives. 

Much love, guys! God bless you. 
Comments? Violent reactions?
Feel free to talk to me whether personally or by any means of technology.

Twitter and WeChat: iEvee123
Instagram: erickavilla

Thanks for your time!! :) 

Life and Bible Sharing
Coffee Bean w/ Bro. Jerry and Ate Mash


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